Date Palms The True Date Palm
and other Species of Phoenix Palms
by Phil Bergman
Covered in this Article:
"What is a Date Palm?"
Date Palms are a very historically important type of palm
tree because they are a source of food that has supplied nutrition to millions
of people
over thousands of years. But, before we
can really talk about “Date Palm Trees”, we must first decide what we are talking
about.When you talk to a
taxonomist or palm enthusiast and say “Date Palm”, he will automatically think
the true Date Palm,
Phoenix dactylifera.This is the species that makes the date fruit that is so commonly eaten.But, when you talk to the average person, “Date Palm” may mean any palm
in the group or in fact, any palm at all. Some use the term "Date Palm"
and "Palm Tree" synonymously.
When we talk about the Date Palm, we are discussing the
group of palms known as Phoenix palms. This genus would include everything from the true Date Palm,
Phoenix dactylifera, to the Canary
Island Date Palm, Phoenix canariensis. Many have heard of the
Pygmy Date Palm. It is in this genus Phoenix as well.
But, only one plant, the true Date Palm, gives
fruit that is edible and marketable.
Phoenix dactylifera, the true Date Palm.
Crown of the true Date Palm from below.
The Genus Phoenix and Its Characteristics
As a group, there are about 13 different species of
Phoenix. All are members of the Date
Palm group. Their natural distribution ranges from the Canary Islands across northern and
southern Africa into the Middle East, far south Europe, and Asia.Plant size ranges from small to massively tall.Some are single trunk and others are clumped (suckering) with more than
one stem. All are pinnate or feather type
In most areas, Phoenix live in rather arid conditions while a few
species tolerate much more humid environments.All trees are pinnate and all share a few interesting characteristics.The petioles are armed with spines.
These spines are actually a modified leaflet, typical of this genus.
In Phoenix canariensis these spines can reach a length up to a foot long
and can be dangerous to the eyes and skin.The Pygmy Date Palm has smaller spines, typically three to five inches
long, but equally as dangerous to the eyes.
Another characteristic of this genus are that the leaves are
“induplicate”.This means that, in
cross section, the leaves a “V-shaped” upward, i.e. they would hold water in
this V-shape.Reduplicate leaves
are V shaped downward and much more common in the palm world.
You can remember this by the reminder that, with induplicate leaflets, the water
"goes in the leaflet".
Induplicate leaf, typical of all Phoenix
Spines on a removed Phoenix reclinata leaf, juvenile
Another interesting characteristic of Phoenix is
that all species in this genus are dioecious.This means that any given plant is either a male or a female.One cannot make viable seeds (or fruit) without a male and a female.Non-pollinated female blossoms will abort and fall to the ground without
ever making fruit.Pollen from the
males is typically distributed by either wind or insects to the females.In date groves, this may be done manually by workers.
Date Palm seeds are formed in large dependent clusters and the fruit is initially
green, turning to yellow/red, and finally to a tan/brown or black color.The fruit or pulp layer of the true Date Palm is much thicker than this
layer in other species of Phoenix. It is sweet and quite rich in sugar.It is because of this thick fruit layer that the Phoenix dactylifera
is the only species grown for consumption of the fruit as a food crop.
Female Phoenix dactylifera
with immature fruits
Male blossom, Phoenix dactylifera
As with other dioecious genera of palms, hybridization can
occur.This seems to be of
particular importance with Phoenix. In habitat locations there is usually
very little hybridization.This is
because, in an given natural habitat, there is typically only one species of
this genus.In other words, there
is no other Phoenix species to hybridize with.But in domestic conditions, such as in a botanical garden or a private garden
with many Phoenix species, hybridization is quite common. This has led to
variation in the appearance of Phoenix nursery stock as seeds are often
obtained domestically where hybridization has occurred.
Consequently, we see Pygmy Date and Senegal Date Palms that are not true
in their appearance or form. They look a
bit different than one would see in habitat. Even
more dramatic is when we see a single trunk species that should only have one
stem and suddenly starts to sucker with many stems. This is the
hybridization at work. If you begin to carefully look at all the Pygmy
Date Palms around, you'll start to see this variation in trunk size, crown size,
and appearance of the leaves. This is all the work of hybridization.Phoenix as a group are very promiscuous.
Culture and Growth of Phoenix
Of the thirteen species of Phoenix, four species are
single trunk and the rest form suckering groups of stems.Some trunks, such as the Phoenix canariensis, are massively thick and
tall, sometimes to over 60 feet of trunk.Other species such as Phoenix acualis are trunk less and look like
leaves coming from one point in the ground.Clumps of Phoenix reclinata can get quite large over time.
It is important with Phoenix that you know what species you are growing
and give them adequate room for their eventual size. If space is limited,
consider Phoenix roebellenii, which is a much smaller species and seldom
gets over 10 feet of trunk.
Phoenix canariensis used as a commercial grouping
Phoenix dactylifera used in large numbers in a shopping center
Most Phoenix species tolerate heat quite well and therefore
do well in hot, desert areas.It is
not unusual to see large Phoenix canariensis in full sun in places such as Palm
Springs, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Date Palm
groves are found in inland, hot desert areas of California and this species thrives in
the Middle East. Other species may need a bit of sun protection if you
live in a desert area. Regarding cold tolerance, as a group Phoenix are reasonably cold hardy.Phoenix canariensis, sylvestris, dactylifera and theophrastii have been
known to tolerate cold temperatures into the teens Fahrenheit.Although Phoenix would not be considered among the most cold hardy of
palms, most species do quite well planted domestically in Southern California.
Most types of Phoenix would be considered to have a slow to medium
rate of growth.From a small plant,
it typically takes ten years or more to get a fruiting true Date Palm Tree. Removal and establishment of
larger suckers from mature plants can speed up the
time to fruiting.When one sees a
Canary Island Palm with twenty or thirty feet of trunk, one can assume that
plant to be several decades old.
And, because large Canaries are quite popular as a garden specimen, they are
often dug from one location and replanted in another location.Most species will transplant well, but a large root ball and expertise
with moving is required.Typically
cranes are used to move large specimens.
Both of the photos above show Phoenix canariensis that have been dug and planted in an upscale shopping center, either as a group or single
Popularity of the types of large sized Phoenix has changed over the
years. Favorites seem to change with the
wind. They are utilized because they are large, stately, and make a major
architectural statement. In my thirty years as a
nurseryman, originally the Canary Island palm was most sought after.Subsequently the Senegal Date Palm seemed to be the rage.In more recent times, the true Date Palm has become popular, probably
because it is a bit more affordable. The latter is the result of urban
sprawl and conversion of existing Date groves into homes and communities.
These grove specimens are dug and planted into landscape areas. Overall,
however, of all the larger species, Phoenix canariensis still reigns as
the king in popularity.
Most Phoenix species tolerate some degree of drought.It is not unusual to see a specimen in a vacant lot where it is only
living on rain water.It is true
that domestic irrigation will lead to more rapid growth, but water restriction
typically does not cause death of the tree.
canariensis, the Canary Island Palm:
As mentioned above, Phoenix have a very diverse appearance from small to large.
The most classical Phoenix species is Phoenix Canariensis, known as the Canary
Island Date Palm. It is the largest of the Date Palm family and gets
trunks up to 60 feet tall and sometimes as thick as 3 feet. Its trunk is
slightly rough but not "knobby" like the Phoenix dactylifera. The crown is
full with many long pinnate leaves, sometimes to 15 feet or longer. The
proximal leaflets on this and other species have modified to form sharp, long
spines. These are dangerous and quite vicious. Viewed in
cross-section, the Canary leaves are rather flat and not as plumose as a P.
dactylifera or sylvestris, and are a dark green compared to the gray-green of
the dactylifera. Fruits are small (1 cm) and yellow when mature.
This species is native to the Canary Islands, a group of
islands in the Atlantic Ocean southwest of Spain near the African continent. It is a favorite
ornamental palm and planted worldwide. It needs room for growth and should
not be planted too closely to a structure or home. Because of it's slow
growth, larger specimens are often purchased for resale to other locations.
A popular size for resale is ten feet of trunk so that the canopy is overhead.
Smaller, bushy Canaries are quite unapproachable until they have trunked.
Phoenix canariensis at Balboa Park, San Diego
Another Canary Palm at a home
A unique planting of 3 Phoenix canariensis together
A major problem with this species is a fungal disease
called Fusarium Wilt. This is transmitted by pruning equipment, climbing
spikes or saws. It causes a progressive death of the lower leaves, often
on one side, progressing up the crown and eventually killing the tree.
Because it is transmitted by pruning equipment (and arborists), it is not
uncommon to see several trees all infected in the same location at the same
time. Equipment introduced and passed the disease to each tree. To
my knowledge there is no universally effective treatment for this disease and
infected plants usually have to be sacrificed. This is devastating for
owners and anyone with large Canary Palms should invest in their own pruning
equipment that should only be used on their trees. One can imagine that
"cleansing" chain saws is nearly impossible.
Update 2017: It is presently felt for sure that other
things transfer Fusarium Wilt and that this perhaps includes wind, birds and
Specimen (right) in decline, probably from Fusarium
The Canary in the front is dead from Fusarium
About twenty years ago and because of a pruning technique
on the lower leaf bases, the term "Pineapple Palm" began emerging. Such
pruning causes a bulge or expansion of the trunk immediately below the crown of
leaves. This is a man made appearance and disappears if the pruning is not
redone at regular intervals. If one enjoys this appearance and wants to
maintain it, consider purchasing pruning equipment and chainsaws for your tree.
Some homeowners will even prune juvenile Canaries in such a manner.
Be aware that now, in 2014, there is speculation that wind dispersion or insects
may play a role in transferring this disease.
This photo shows the technique of "pineapple
pruning" on a large Canary Island Palm.
This is another view of the same palm
Here it has been done to a juvenile Canary Palm
Phoenix canariensis is quite cold hardy, perhaps down to
about 15 or 16 degrees Fahrenheit. It is not unusual to see specimen
plants in cooler areas like Southern Europe or Northern California. The fruit of
this species is edible by report, but because it is quite thin and sparse, it is
not nearly as sought after as the fruit of the Date Palm, Phoenix dactylifera.
A close up view of the crown of Phoenix
Canariensis crown
A close up picture of the trunk of Phoenix
A juvenile P. canariensis, too small to walk
Phoenix dactylifera, the True Date Palm
From a historical and resource point of view, this is the most common
and popular of the Date Palm family. This is because mature trees produce
fruit which is high in sugar and eaten by millions of people. There is
evidence that this fruit has been consumed for many thousands of years.
The exact area of origin of this species is unknown, but felt to be in the
Persian area or northern Africa. The medjool variety of
dactylifera is one of the more popular
varieties because of its soft, supple fruit. Date growers will propagate a
grove from what is selected as the finest cultivars of a given variety to
optimize the quality of their fruit. Remember that one must have a female
plant to produce the fruit and males must pollinate the blossoms of the females.
One tree can produce up to 200 pounds of dates during a growing season.
Date grower often get municipal laws to prevent the introduction of other
species of Phoenix into their growing area so that hybridization with such species and deterioration of their date crop does
not occur. This protects their crop of palm dates.
Multiple Date Palms in a row
A close-up of the knobby trunk of Phoenix dactylifera
Close-up of the petioles of the Date Palm; note yellow color
Phoenix dactylifera are typically seen as a single trunk tree, but many specimens are suckering with multiple stems. The additional
stems are often removed for easier access to the main trunk for picking fruit.
The trunks are shorter than the Canary Palm and typically about 30 to 40 feet.
Many times the trunks take on a "knobby" appearance from tissue from the old,
removed leaves bases after pruning (see photo above). The crowns of leaves are smaller than
a Canary and more of a gray-green or sometimes blue color. This blue color
to the leaves is even more apparent in hot, dry climates. Leaves
are armed with spines and fruit-bearing typically takes about 10 years.
Phoenix dactylifera, solitary specimen
Mature female Phoenix dactylifera, loaded with fruit
Date Palm showing suckering tendency
This species is equally as cold hardy and drought tolerant
as the Canary Palm, but does better than the Canary with dry, inland desert
heat. Trees are also susceptible to Fusarium (above). In more
recent years, this species has gained in popularity because of the availability
of dug trees from sold-off date groves (see photos above).
Phoenix roebellenii, the Pygmy Date Palm
The Pygmy Date palm has been popular for many years because of it's ease of
growth and small stature. Its origins come from Asia and more specifically
Southern China. Laos and Vietnam. Of note and in contrast to the species
above, the Pygmy dates come from more humid areas and this species natively often grows along
river beds. Another interesting fact is that natively this species is
often a suckering species with thinner trunks and sparse crowns.
Domestically grown, the plants are typically single trunk with fuller crowns.
It is possible to find both single trunk and suckering varieties at specialty
nurseries. But, the point should be made that commercial plants are often
planted as "multiples". This means that several single trunk plants are
put into one pot. This is opposed to the true, suckering plant seen in
habitat. It is speculated that the suckering ability of this "species" was
lost somewhere along the time during commercial production of the species.
Phoenix roebelenii,
single, in a garden
Phoenix roebelenii, a triple, in a garden area
A single trunk specimen, fairly old, in the nursery
Trunks of Phoenix roebellenii in domestic plantings are
typically under ten feet and about 3 to 5 inches thick. This means that a
very old specimen will not typically be above 12 feet in height. Multiple
specimens will often show the "stair step" appearance with a dominant plant and
shorter companions adjacent to the main trunk. With age, trunks have lots
of fiber, matting and hair. This can be pruned clean to give a somewhat
flaring, knobby trunk (see below). The crowns of leaves are
typically full and soft appearing. Like other Phoenix species, leaves do
have spines and this species should not be planted close to walkways and
stairwells. In coastal areas plants demand full sun and "shading out" of a
specimen can result in decline or death to the plant. Although not the
easiest plant for indoor growing, it can be done if adequate direct light is
given. Two photos below of nursery plants show (at an early age) the
difference between two individual specimens being planted in a container and the
true suckering nature of some Pygmy Date Palms. To the untrained eye it
might be difficult to distinguish, but suckers actual begin and emanate from he
mother trunk.
Two individual Pygmy Dates planted in one pot. This
not true suckering.
This is a sucker off the main
stem. Compare it to the plants
in the photo to the left.
Note the "knobby" trunk
from cleaning
the trunk on this Pigmy Date Palm.
Most Phoenix species prefer full sun. Phoenix
roebellenii (in most areas) is no exception to this rule. Plants placed
in shaded out areas under-perform. Ideally, it should be given at least
half day sun. Thus, planting them on the north side of a home in shade may
result in poor performance or demise. Some sun protection may be needed in
hot desert areas. Plants are a bit drought tolerant,
but not as much as many of the other species of Phoenix. Cold tolerance is
into the low twenties F. As this is less than many other Phoenix
species, one can see this species is not the optimal choice for colder areas.
Unfortunately, home improvement centers push them to customers in colder areas
who probably should try something else.
Pygmy Date palms can be dug and moved, but don't be fooled
by their smaller size. If you do plan on digging one, get a very large
root ball. All too many people have lost their plant because they thought
a "little plant" only needs a little root ball.
Phoenix rupicola, the Cliff Date Palm
This is a solitary trunking species that comes from India and adjacent areas
at rather high elevations and often on hillsides or slopes of mountains, thus
giving it the name of "Cliff Date Palm". It resemble the Canary Island
Palm but is smaller, has a thinner trunk and a much softer and more graceful
appearing crown. Trunks are typically about a foot in diameter and only
get to about 25 feet. The leaves are quite flat and in a single plane and
about ten feet in length. The spines are less vicious than the Canary and
the leaf color is more of an emerald green. Because of the droopy
characteristic of the leaf, it is often felt to be more exotic appearing than
the Canary Palm.
This species might be an ideal choice for someone who likes
the statement of a Canary Island Palm but doesn't have the room for it.
This species is definitely a beautiful palm, but it doesn't have the cold
hardiness of the canariensis or dactylifera. Estimates are that it will
tolerate temperatures in the mid-twenties F, but not low 20's. It is
argued that this is the most beautiful of the solitary Date Palms with its
graceful and soft crown. It prefers full sun in coastal areas and, because
of its size, is not an ideal palm for interior growing.
Phoenix rupicola at Balboa Park, San Diego
Phoenix rupicola crown of leave
Another example of the Cliff Date Palm
Phoenix reclinata, the Senegal Date Palm This suckering species has multiple stems and is a medium to sometimes
large palm native to central and southern Africa, Madagascar and the Comoro
Islands. I mention above that it is "sometimes large" because heights of
this species are variable but have been known to reach 50 feet. The term
"reclinata" is felt to refer to the "reclining" nature of the outer stems as
they move away from the clump and then upwards. Stems are 4 to 8 inches in
thickness and covered with fibers and hairs. This species freely suckers
so pruning and elimination of trunks is often necessary to give it a graceful
appearance. Left unchecked, clumps can become overwhelming with as many as
fifty trunks. Because of this, this species would be considered a high
maintenance species, especially during its earlier years.
Classical plants from habitat often have a very flat (one
plane) leaf, but commercial cultivars are often plumose and "spiky".
Mature specimens demonstrate one of the nicest characteristics of the species:
taller trunks gracefully leaning away from the midline and silhouetting
themselves against the blue of the sky. These trunks therefore may show a
gentle curve as they head upwards, somewhat reminiscent of a Coconut. They can be quite beautiful if stems
are artistically eliminated to give variable heights to the trunks and
crowns and can be very dramatic in an open lawn setting or against a tall
building. This species wants to be planted in full sun. It should be
given ample room and can tolerate temperatures into the low twenties F.
Phoenix reclinata, an old specimen in San Diego
Another smaller specimen in Balboa Park, San Diego
A nice
P. reclinata in a domestic planting
Phoenix sylvestris, the Toddy Palm or Wild Date
This species is from southern Pakistan and India. It resembles a
Phoenix canariensis but the trunk is not as thick. It carries many leaves and the
overall crown shape is somewhat smaller and more "rounded" than the
Phoenix canariensis.
It is known as the "Silver Date Palm", the "Toddy Palm", and the "Wild Date
Palm". The trunk does get to about 40 to 50 feet and often will show old
retained leaf bases giving it a patterned appearance of the trunk.
Different from the Canary Island Palm, this species has multiple ranks of
leaflets on the leaves (not flat in profile) and may appear somewhat "fluffy".
For some people, Phoenix sylvestris may seem to be an alternative to the Canary
Island Palm. But, it is not as cold hardy as the Canary. It also has
a different color to the leaves and a thinner trunk. I'd estimate this
species will tolerate temperatures into the low 20's F, perhaps upper teens.
It does tolerate hot conditions and is a good grower. Like other species,
it is extremely spiny and care must be used when pruning this species.
Phoenix sylvestris along a street planting
A specimen in a botanical garden
Phoenix theophrastii, Cretan Date Palm
Phoenix theophrastii
is a Phoenix
species with a very limited
area of distribution, native to Southern Greece and the Island of Crete and
perhaps some surrounding areas. It is a suckering species that gets to
over 40 feet height. It has rather thin trunks and is very spiny with
prickly leaves. Some feel it might be related to the true Date Palm.
It's crowns of leaves are smaller than the P. dactylifera and it suckers more
than the Date Palm. Different than P. dactylifera, this species fruit is
not sweet or particularly edible. It does have a somewhat gray color to
the crown. Specimens look very thick and impenetrable when smaller but
with time will show some taller stems.
Phoenix theophrastii, showing how prickly and
thick a plant is
at this stage
Phoenix acaulis, the Dwarf Date Palm Phoenix acualis is a unique species in that it is basically "trunkless".
It is for this reason that it is known as the Dwarf Date Palm. It is
native to northern India and Nepal. It is a small palm and single trunked.
However, like other Phoenix, it is spiny. Trunks apparently are
subterranean and roots seek out water as this species is often found in very arid
areas. Fruits and blossoms are often seen at ground level. Overall
the plant is a rather small plant with gray-green leaves. Because of its
small size, it may do well among succulents or in a xerophytic garden.
Phoeni8x acualis, a 12 year old plant at the
A close-up of the same plant
Phoenix loureiri
and other rare species
Phoenix loureiri is from India and other Asian countries
and is typically a single trunk plant but can be seen to sucker. It is a
smaller species with trunks seldom over 15 feet and about a foot in diameter.
They are an alternative to the much larger Phoenixcanariensis and have somewhat
plumose leaves. The leaf color is green to gray-green. There is felt
to be a variety of P. loureiri known as "humilus". It can tolerate full
sun or partial sun and has some degree of cold hardiness.
Phoenix loureiri in a
botanical garden
There are several other unusual species of Phoenix, but it is
beyond the purpose of this article to cover these species. Let it be said
that they are all spiny, single or trunking, and many have ornamental value.
Phoenix Hybrids
It is quite common for nurserymen and plant enthusiasts to
make intrageneric hybrids (crosses within a genus). We have seen a lot of
such crosses in orchids, bromeliads and various types of palms. But, with
Phoenix, hybridization occurs without man's effort and only requires
mere proximity of different species. In general, Phoenix set
seeds quite easily. In habitat, this ability is probably prosurvival.
But, in habitat, there are not typically multiple different species of
Phoenix side by side or in the same area. So, in the wild, the species
procreates, stays pure and lives on. In a domestic setting this is usually
not the case. One must assume that seeds from any given plant in a
domestic area are hybrids unless ones has pollinated the male blossom with pure
pollen or there are no other species around. This is true regardless of
the species of female Phoenix. As nurserymen will often opt for
cheaper domestically provided seeds of "impure" heritage, there is a
of "different" looking " Phoenix being sold and grown throughout the
I am not implying that this is a bad thing. It just makes it a guessing
game as to the identify or parentage of any given domestic Phoenix that one
might see. And, the more one looks, the more one sees evidence for this
natural process of hybridization. One might see a "Canary" with an
remarkably thin trunk. Or, a Pygmy Date with a husky trunk and very long,
stiff leaves. In fact, I've seen almost every combination of
characteristics imaginable.. The important thing is to just recognize this
fact and rest assured that calling a different looking plant a "hybrid" may in
fact be the correct answer.
Below is an example of a plant that appears to be a
Phoenix canariensis. The crown appears to be a normal Canary Island
Date Palm. But, the trunk is quite narrow, about 12 inches thick.
This would be very unusual for a Canary. Also, it is quite smooth compared
to a typical Canary. Could it be a P. rupicola? My guess is
that it's a hybrid.
I mentioned previously how Phoenix reclinata in
its natural form has a very flat leaf, single plane more or less. The
picture below shows an example of this natural form of reclinata.
Compare the picture above to the more typically seen
plumose (multi-ranked leaflets) "Phoenix reclinata" below. Note
how the leaflets come off the petiole at multiple angles. This is the
result of hybridization.
Below is an example of the Phoenix roebelenii from
domestically produced seeds. Note there is a sucker emanating from the
base of the mother trunk. This is also the result of hybridization in the
domestic environment.
The more one looks, the more unusual combinations of
morphology one will find. Phoenix hybridize like crazy.
Will my Date Palm make edible dates?
Probably not unless you plan ahead. Basically, one must have the true Phoenix dactylifera to get dates, and
one must have a female. And, there must be a male in the area of your
female. There are various varieties of the Date Palm with
differences in the quality of the fruit. Also, you cannot have other
species of male plant nearby or you'll get hybrid dates which usually are not
Can I cut suckers off my Date Palm to make it a
single trunk specimen?
The answer is yes, and this is commonly done in commercial groves of
Date Palms. This is often done just above the soil line.
How long does it take to get edible dates?
A Phoenix dactylifera has to be a female and of fruiting size.
Typically such a plant has trunk well overhead. This will take a minimum
of ten years, usually longer. And, you must have a pure male Date Palm
nearby to pollinate it. A female with no male in the area will not produce
edible dates. And, hybridization with other Dates such as the Pygmy
Palm or the Canary Palm will give un-edible dates.
How do I get a large Canary Island Palm for my
If resources permit it, most buy an existing large P. canariensis from
someone who transplants large specimen palms. This means the broker buys
one from someone, already large, and digs it up and moves it to your yard.
Because this requires a lot of effort, time, crane expenses, and risk,
purchasing such a plant is usually expensive. One can, of course, buy a
containerized smaller tree and be patient.
What is the best size to buy if I get a large
Canary Island Palm?
This varies, individual to individual, but most people want one that is
overhead. For practical reasons, this keeps the sharp spines well above
you head if you walk below it. For this reason, plants with a trunk of
about ten feet are the most popular. Realize that, in time, you ten-footer
will get much taller. I've seen old specimens with more than forty feet of
trunk. If resources are limited, plant a smaller containerized plant and
be patient. In time, it too will get overhead and majestic appearing.
Should I use my own pruning equipment for removing
old leaves on my Phoenix?
The answer is yes! Fusarium is a disease that Phoenix are very
susceptible to. It is typically transmitted by pruning equipment, shears,
shoe spikes, etc. If a trimmer uses equipment that is reserved only for
your plants, it won't transmit the disease. This includes chain saws.
I feel it is almost impossible to totally sterilize a chain saw, no matter what
anyone tells you. It is all too common to hear of a dying Canary that was
pruned six month ago. Although Fusarium infections are most common with
Canary Island Palms, there are reports of its transmission to several other
Phoenix species. It is definitely advisable to
have a professional pruner use your equipment when he works on your plants.
If this is not possible, demand that the tree trimmer very thoroughly sterilizes
his equipment.
What can I do to avoid all the dropping fruit from
my Date Palm (or other Phoenix).
There is no chemical or drug that prevents fruiting on your Phoenix.
If you get a male, there will be no fruit but you will still have falling
blossoms. The best thing to do is cut off the blossoms when they are
young. It does not hurt the tree and lets you avoid fruit that will form
Can I sell my large Canary Island Date Palm?
The answer is yes, if it is accessible and not too large. It must
be disease free and a good looking tree. Very large palms have a very
limited purchasing market. Even if yours is the perfect size, realize that
you won't get rich selling it and the usual price paid for a ten foot Canary is
under $1000. More profit will be made by the buying professional, but it's
nearly impossible to avoid this. If interested, read our article "I want to
sell my large palm tree" at this site. This article points out the
drop in value of Canary Palms because of disease problems and risk to the
A spine punctured through my skin and is painful.
What should I do?
Such an injury always requires a medical evaluation because the spine
can break off under the skin and lead to various complications and infection.
If you suffer such an injury, immediate seek medical attention.
Always use eye protection if working around a Phoenix Palm.
My Canary Island Palm has Fusarium. What can I do?
Unfortunately, this is usually a fatal infection and your plant will
probably die. You could hire a plant pathologist to advise you, but don't
be overly optimistic that the plant will survive. (see pruning precautions
above). Make sure you don't transfer the infection to other adjacent
Phoenix plants.
Can I dig up and move my Pygmy Date Palm?
Even though large Phoenix are commonly dug and survive, the
roebellenii is a bit of a challenge. Because of its small size, people
think all that is needed is a small root ball. This is not true and many
smaller Pygmies that are dug die slowly over the next month or two. To
succeed you must obtain a very large root ball and be careful to avoid tearing the
Will rooting into the ground on my containerized
Phoenix palm hurt the plant?
Phoenix palms in containers are particularly vulnerable to shock when
they have rooted into the ground and then are moved, tearing the roots that have
worked their way into the soil. Within a few weeks, one typically sees the
new spear and leaves that are opening turn brown. They look dry, brown and
dead. It always affects the newest leaves the most. If one is
transplanting a Phoenix or just purchased one, always look at the new spear and
the newest leaves for signs of shock or injury. And, if the plant
recovers, you will see the new spear turn green and healthy looking.
Can I plant my Pygmy Date Palm right next to the
The answer to this question is fairly obvious: the answer is no for
health and safety reasons. Eye punctures by spines are something one wants
to avoid.
My Phoenix Palm doesn't look like any of the
photos. What do I have?
As mentioned above, Phoenix are very promiscuous and hybridize quite easily.
For this reason, one frequently sees palms that are "in-betweeners" and don't
appear to be a definite species. In an area like Tampa or Miami, it is
sometimes more common to see hybrids than it is to see pure species. This
is why plants grown from wild collected seeds (little chance of hybridization)
are sought out by specialty palm nurserymen.
Can I grow my Phoenix Palm inside the house?
Phoenix species are a poor choice for interior growing.
Unfortunately, because common species such as the Pygmy Date Palm are so readily
available in the home improvement centers, people think they must grow well
inside the house. The fact is they are a bit of a problem as an interior
plant. They need lots of sun and good air movement. There are some
successes indoors, but there are much better species to grow as houseplants.
If one does chose to grow one inside, be very careful about injuries from the
I want dates. Is there any way to tell if a
small plant is a female or a male?
The answer is no. Only if you get a removed sucker from a known
female parent, can you predict the sex
I have one female Date Palm. Will I get good
To get pure fruit you also need the female flowers to be pollinated by a male
Phoenix dactylifera. If you only have one female plant, any fruit
formed would most likely receive pollen from some other type of Phoenix
and give hybrid fruit which is undoubtedly inferior in quality. This is
why the date grove localities try to prevent homeowners from introducing other
species of Phoenix.
I hope that the reader now understands that there are many
species of Phoenix. But, there is only one true Date Palm. And, to
get edible dates, you must obtain a female Phoenix dactylifera, the
true Date Palm.
And, you must have male plants for pollination in your locality. Some species of
Phoenix are suckering (multiple stems), others are single trunk. Some are
short while others tower overhead. All have spines. Suckering
species may need pruning of offsets to create the most beautiful mature specimen.
In general, Phoenix do not make
great house plants, but can be grown with some success indoors if given enough
light. All Phoenix hybridize easily..
At our nursery we offer all the species of Phoenix for
sale in containers. We also sell over 800 other types of palms and
countless species of cycads and other tropical plants. We are not company that digs and cranes large
specimens, but may be able to assist you in locating fine specimen trees or a
reputable transplanting company. Please contact us if you are interested.
Several Phoenix canariensis
The rare
Phoenix caespitosa, Saudi Arabia,
by Tom McCoy